How to Evaluate Your Online Marketing Strategy

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Digital marketing is a dynamic industry, so it is essential to evaluate your strategy regularly. You can use a sound analytics system to make informed decisions and keep up with new channels and competitor strategies. Here are some tips to determine what strategy is best for your business.

Earned media

Using earned media can help build your reputation and increase sales. Approximately half of the online shoppers read product reviews before making a purchase. If they read positive reviews, they are more likely to make a purchase. In addition, Google favors recent content – articles with the current year in the title, for example, rank highly in searches. If your company has recently received media coverage, you can also use that to boost your rankings in search results.

Earned media can be tracked by monitoring keywords and brand mentions on social networks. The method you use will depend on which direction you’re taking your strategy. You’ll see which content is most effective for your company by tracking the number of people mentioning your brand.

The number of retweets, posts, and shares a brand receives is a great way to see how effective it is for its brand. Brands can also track their share of voice to see how they’re doing compared to other brands in their niche. Another method of measuring earned media is to track website traffic and organic search rankings.

Although paid media can reach many people, it earned consumers more trust in media. While paid media can effectively gain exposure, made press offers the best ROI. It also involves minimal cost and effort. It also allows you to control the content that is shared with the public. Additionally, earning placements on traditional media outlets transforms you into a thought leader in your space.

Paid search ads

Paid search advertising allows you to target specific keywords and phrases, which helps you get immediate exposure to high-intent prospects. It is also cost-effective as you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This allows you to track your ROI more accurately and test different campaigns. Another benefit is that you can target users in specific regions.

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PPC advertising is also great for small businesses. It allows them to target highly relevant consumers and drive more qualified website traffic. This strategy is also effective in local searches. It can increase sales by converting website visitors into customers. While this technique is not accessible, the payoff is substantial.

Paid search ads are displayed above organic search results on a search engine. You can use a cost-per-click (CPP) model to test and measure marketing ROI. Google AdWords is one of the most popular PPC advertising platforms. Bing also has its PPC product, called BingAds. These services allow you to target particular customers and get your campaign up and running quickly.

Paid search ads are an integral part of your online marketing strategy. You must ensure that your ads are relevant to the search engine and are displayed alongside relevant results. Pay Per Click ads allows you to reach potential buyers when they’re searching for your products or services.

Paid social ads

Paid social ads are an effective way to reach a target audience. The key is understanding your ideal personas and target market and using content and imagery that speaks directly to them. Moreover, ensure the ad links to a consistent landing page and includes a solid call to action.

Paid social ads can be placed on many social media platforms, such as Facebook and LinkedIn. This can help your ads get a wider audience and convert more visitors to customers. These ads can be integrated seamlessly into a user’s feeds. This means they can be used by different target audiences and increase brand awareness and website traffic.

To use paid social ads effectively, you must create several campaigns. These campaigns should have different objectives. For example, a funnel may contain buyers at various buying cycle stages. Thus, it would help if you created several campaigns with other purposes for each one. For example, Facebook’s ad manager lets you customize your ad for different audiences.

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Paid social ads are affordable, with prices starting at $1. They also have a better KPI than traditional ads based on cost per million impressions.

Content marketing

Content marketing is a crucial part of a business’s online strategy. It helps attract visitors and creates customer relationships. A good content strategy involves providing detailed information to entice readers. It can also help in generating leads and sales. It provides valuable insight into a particular industry and can establish authority and prove expertise. Besides that, it can also improve user retention and engagement.

One of the benefits of content marketing is that it reaches more people and can guide them through the buying cycle. It also teaches audience members why they need a product or service. As a result, content marketing can generate more sales and customer loyalty. Here are some of its key features:

First, it is essential to develop a clear content marketing strategy. This strategy should be aligned with the overall goals of your business. Moreover, it should be evaluated periodically to adjust it according to the changing needs of your business. Remember that there are two stages in the customer’s journey: awareness and conversion. The latter is easier to achieve with content than the former.

Second, content marketing can also help improve brand awareness. Content marketing is an integrated marketing approach that earns your target audience’s trust before selling anything. It can also increase your website traffic and generate leads for your business. Unlike traditional marketing methods, content marketing uses any content to attract visitors. It can also discuss your products, services, and opinions and include suggestions.

Buyer personas

Buyer personas are a valuable tool for targeting marketing efforts. They help align messaging, build brand unity, personalize marketing, and streamline marketing automation. And when done correctly, they help you drive different personas to different funnels in your marketing process. But the trick is that these buyer personas will evolve, so you must adapt your approach to keeping up with changes in your market.

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One of the most important aspects of buyer personas is that they help you focus on your target audience’s specific challenges and pain points. As a result, they are crucial to the success of any digital marketing campaign. These personas should be updated annually so they remain relevant and helpful.

When crafting your buyer persona, include all aspects of the buyer’s life, from job titles to hobbies and interests. The personas should also have the buyer’s role outside of work. In addition, you should also include details about the buyer’s personality. This way, you can provide context to your marketing team.

Another important aspect of buyer personas is that they can guide your product development. This way, you can prioritize your development efforts based on what your customers want. This will allow your product team to solve customer concerns in real-time. It will also help you target your digital marketing campaigns and content.


Retargeting is a great way to stay in touch with your audience. This type of advertising allows you to show your ads to people who have expressed interest in your products or services. This makes financial sense and increases your conversion rate. Retargeting ads can be hyper-targeted and specific.

Retail, travel, finance, and tech are the most popular retargeting strategies. GDN reaches approximately 90% of internet users worldwide. Facebook alone has more than two billion active users, and 67% of marketers use its FBX exchange. Twitter’s Tailored Audiences exchange is used by 38% of marketers. Retargeting is most effective between 15 and 30 days after a visitor has visited your website. This allows you to serve relevant ads to a broader audience and reduce the time it takes to move people through your digital marketing funnel.

Retargeting is a powerful marketing strategy, but it must be used carefully. You don’t want to annoy potential customers with irrelevant ads. However, if appropriately used, retargeting ads can be highly effective and increase conversion rates by 10x. It works best as part of a larger digital strategy and can help you gain more customers.

Retargeting can help you bring old customers and new prospects to your business. This advertising method uses paid advertisements to target past consumers based on the consumer’s previous behavior. For example, if someone browsed through your software product page, you can send them an ad showing deals and promotions related to that product. These messages may encourage the visitor to sign up for a free trial.

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